Monday, February 1, 2010


We have been working with a ministry every Monday night that helps local people that are in need--LIFELINE MINISTRIES.  Over the past year the number has increased tremendously and the funding has decreased because of the economy...They are feeding anywhere between 80-100 families per week.  I encourage you to click on the title of my post and find out what they are all about.  It is amazing that these people are right at our back door. There are so many ways to be a missionary at home--keeping our eyes and our hearts open when our lives are busy and we have schedules to meet is half of the battle. I truly believe busyness is one of Satan's biggest tactics to make you unaware of the need for Jesus in people around you...and it usually works, doesn't it??

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely, Jen! Here is a great quote by Carl Jung that speaks to that: "Hurry is not of the Devil; it is the Devil."

    We have to always be looking for opportunities to BE STILL (which is why I love the labyrinth!).

    I Love you! Hey, please tell your dad I really enjoyed his New Year's sermon. Thanks again so much for sending it to me. Stay warm. Let's talk soon, OK?

    I miss you! Love, Robin


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