Friday, March 26, 2010


Well, my first week back at work was physically fine but mentally overwhelming.  I have so much to get caught up on...I could work all weekend and not be caught up...where do I start?  I  guess I will just take it one step at a time...I worked every other day this week and will be full-time next week.

The good thing is that I am no longer taking anything for pain...not even Advil. I have had no increase in pain driving alot, carrying my purse or getting my work stuff out of my car....YEA!  I am still sleeping in the recliner because I wake up uncomfortable---I try every couple nights but it just doesn't work. 

Not much else to is going on as has its stressful moments but so glad I am able to participate in it fully!  We had a small dose of winter this morning with light dusting of snow...I hope that is the last of  the snow for this winter....

Thank you for your thoughtful messages and  prayers for this week :)  It is all good!  The meals have helped out so much this week...My family thanks you from the bottom of their stomachs!!

Friday, March 19, 2010


Well, Spring has sprung this week with temperatures in the 60's most everyday.  It makes everyone feel alive, don't you think?  I went to the plastic surgeon yesterday and got expanded again with 60 cc--so we are at 390 cc right now.  I am a little more uncomfortable for about a day afterwards. He told me that I have had a "very non-eventful post-op course" and "I am out of the woods".  He told me that things are moving along very well.  My next expansion will be April 1st.  He thinks my third surgery will be able to be moved up to the first part of May. (It was going to be in June.)  He removed all restrictions...I can exercise aerobically and lift weights...I can lift anything within reason.  I told him I was returning back to being a physical therapist and he said..."There will be no problem." WOW!  I was kinda' hoping he thought I would need to stay off work another week. (haha!)  I am only taking advil two times a day now...haven't been on the strong stuff since last Tuesday.  I am trying to sleep in the bed but sometimes I have to get up and lay in the recliner because I can't get comfortable not being able to sleep in my normal position which is on my side.  I am looking forward to getting back into HOT YOGA :)  I started getting into that at the beginning of the year and I love it...(It is yoga in a 90 degree room so you can really get a workout plus deep stretching and relaxation)

People are still bringing meals every other day...It is really unbelievable!  Yesterday, when we got home late from the doctor there was a meal waiting for us all ready to eat--I can't tell you how nice that was!  We are still overwhelmed by people's support and love--We will never forget it!

Life is going on as normal in the Carpenter-Clause house---back to being a taxi-driver for my teenagers, homework battles, early morning grumpiness--but there is so much to be thankful for and I remind myself of that everyday! 

Thank you for your continued prayers for our family as we are entering the last part of this journey!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Well, it is a new week and the theme for the week is that LIFE GOES ON in a big way.  Wayne went back to work Monday and I have a sick child with a stomach bug.   I have been at the high school everyday for one thing or another regarding my other child and running a few errands here and there. I woke up Monday really feeling uncomfortable and I called the office to see if everything was OK because I was worried that I was swelling too much with the drains out.  Polly, the nurse at the plastic surgeon's office, reassured me that it was OK if I wasn't running a temperature or feeling poorly.  They would check everything out on Tuesday morning when I went there for my first tissue expansion.  I had to take a VICODIN and I haven't had to do that since last Wednesday.  A big thank you to my mom for helping me as I couldn't really even drive on Monday due to the tightness.  I still am unable to push, pull, lift or carry any weight at all. 

Wayne was off on Tuesday and we went to the plastic surgeon's office for my first tissue expansion.  I am so glad I woke up feeling alot better.  It is such a beautiful day today...being in the 60's...that always helps everyone feel better.  I always play a game with myself in the waiting room just wondering what the people sitting in the waiting room are having done...especially if it isn't obvious.  It helps to pass the time away.  The doctor told me he put 270 cc in during surgery and they were going to put in 60 more cc today.  I kinda' feel like the barbie--Growing Up Skipper.  Do you remember what happens when her arm goes around?  It didn't even hurt because my skin is numb and they did both sides at the same time so that was easy.  They said they wanted to get to 500-550 cc! So far, I have 330 cc so I am more than halfway there.  YEA! They said the extra fluid would probably take care of itself with the expansion but they would check it next time--it didn't need aspirating at this time. They said that somedays are worse than others...maybe when you do too much the day before?  Well, Sunday was a big day--installation service of Greg Markesberry with my dad's last Sunday being the senior minister.  We also ate out on Sunday...I was tired when we got home and I did rest but I guess it was more than I thought physically and emotionally. next appointment is next Thursday for my next tissue expansion.  I am a little more uncomfortable but it isn't bad. They want me to try to only use advil for pain relief now because it is an anti-inflammatory. I will try to go to sleep tonight without Percocet...we will see what happens!  Maybe 1/2 of one??  Ha

I did hear some very good news friend, Jackie, comes home from the hospital tomorrow.  She has been there for about three weeks for her third stem cell transplant and chemotherapy.  She has had a bacterial infection and her throat has been killing her so bad she has needed morphine for the past several days...It will be so good to see her--her counts are way up and she is getting out earlier than expected!  GOD ANSWERS PRAYER! 

We can't thank people enough for all the support you are giving us...the cards, emails, flowers, visits, and gentle "side hugs"!  It is overwhelming to Wayne and I and my kids like everyone else's cooking better than mine...they will have a hard time adjusting back to mom's cooking! 

Thursday, March 4, 2010


Today was a busy day!  We went to two doctor appointments today--one for each surgeon.  The oncological surgeon said everything looks great, took the drains out and said I didn't have to come back for another year. :)   I just had to take a picture with my nurse navigator and my oncological surgeon...I couldn't resist..this was a big day and they were as excited as I was!  The plastic surgeon's nurse said I am doing better than about 95% of the patients that go through this surgery.  I told her it is because of lots of prayers and positive people helping me along the way.  They took all the sutures out and I am scheduled for my first tissue expansion on Tuesday at 11:00.  She estimated that the tissue expansion process will probably last till about the end of May.  I am going to continue to decrease the pain meds as I am allowed to take ibuprofen now instead of Tylenol.  The pain has greatly decreased over the last two days.  My range of motion in my arms has been alot better also.  I got all my questions answered--I am allowed to drive and take a shower...thank God!  I am still not able to lift or exercise at all as it might cause swelling. They did say that Wayne still needs to bring my coffee and breakfast to me in the morning and they weren't sure when that should stop! (wink, wink) I really think this surgery was alot easier than having my babies and much quicker recovery time.

Thank you for your continued prayers and love you have shown our family during this time!  I continue to improve day by day without complications which is an answer to prayer.  Pray that continues through the next process...

Monday, March 1, 2010


Well, I am a week post-op and doing fairly well.  The goal for the week is to slowly decrease pain meds down to Tylenol.  I still have alot of energy and have to make myself rest.  I have some uncomfortable moments but all in all, it is fairly tolerable. I feel alot of tightness with sharp pains every now and then...sounds fun, doesn't it?  The evenings are the worst for some reason.  Wayne and I are going to venture out of the house today and go  to Central  House Diner, a new restaurant  in Burlington.  I haven't been out of the house since Thursday--I am starting to go a little stir-crazy!  Wayne is off  for another week and that is a good thing!  He has been incredible doing things I don't think he would have been able to handle but doing them with patience and love.  I will never forget it...

We can't express enough how much we appreciate your continued prayers and acts of kindness--it is overwhelming to us...

Check out my new inspiring this song!