Wednesday, May 26, 2010


OK...hopefully this entry won't be as groggy as the last one---I surprised my words weren't slurring on paper...Monday, I was falling asleep in the  middle of conversations...that is something my husband does without medication...LOL  He is going to ask the doctor why he gets sleepy when I take the medication...that is a medical mystery!

I am doing fairly well--up and moving around---trying to take less pain medication as time goes on...I have to stay in my bandages until my follow-up appt on Thursday.  I am pretty swollen but I  am hoping that will go down in time.  I am sleeping well in my recliner thanks to that drug! I feel alot of tightness but not alot of pain. The doctor told my parents that I was the  "poster child" for this kind of surgery.   My dad asked him if I could get paid---he just laughed.  Let's just say there will  be no posters allowed!

I have free tickets tonight to see Helen Hunt at the Aronoff through the Susan Komen Foundation. We have been invited to a private reception to meet her also.  I am hoping to go but we will see how I feel.  I always loved her on  the tv show  "Mad About You." 

This  is the kids' last week of school  before finals so it is crunch time to get all these assignments in---we will all  be glad when school is out!  Thank you to my friends and family that  have helped us out during this time. Continue to pray for an end to all cancer...

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