Thursday, March 4, 2010


Today was a busy day!  We went to two doctor appointments today--one for each surgeon.  The oncological surgeon said everything looks great, took the drains out and said I didn't have to come back for another year. :)   I just had to take a picture with my nurse navigator and my oncological surgeon...I couldn't resist..this was a big day and they were as excited as I was!  The plastic surgeon's nurse said I am doing better than about 95% of the patients that go through this surgery.  I told her it is because of lots of prayers and positive people helping me along the way.  They took all the sutures out and I am scheduled for my first tissue expansion on Tuesday at 11:00.  She estimated that the tissue expansion process will probably last till about the end of May.  I am going to continue to decrease the pain meds as I am allowed to take ibuprofen now instead of Tylenol.  The pain has greatly decreased over the last two days.  My range of motion in my arms has been alot better also.  I got all my questions answered--I am allowed to drive and take a shower...thank God!  I am still not able to lift or exercise at all as it might cause swelling. They did say that Wayne still needs to bring my coffee and breakfast to me in the morning and they weren't sure when that should stop! (wink, wink) I really think this surgery was alot easier than having my babies and much quicker recovery time.

Thank you for your continued prayers and love you have shown our family during this time!  I continue to improve day by day without complications which is an answer to prayer.  Pray that continues through the next process...


  1. Fabulous picture, fabulous news.....So thankful for your wonderful husband. Wayne, you are the BEST! Love to you both, Robin

  2. Praise the Lord! I am so happy things are going so well! God bless you and your family with sooo much going on right now!


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